80% of my clients are stuck at their desks 6+ hrs daily.
These are the signs a sedentary lifestyle is seriously stealing your vitality + how to fix them
1. You get a banana back
👉 you slouch, shoulders round, head tips forwards
2. Upper body strength decline
👉holding a down dog becomes mission impossible
3. Mobility issues
👉lifting the arms overhead or turning the head sideways feels limited
What most people do:
- nothing (apart from scrolling & just watching the videos they should be doing)
(If that´s not your case, high 🖐️ from me)
If you´re still iffy about whether I can help you, start by incorporating these small daily habits first. You´ll thank me later.
1. Before continuing to read this, straighten your back and tuck your chin in. Posture is the #1 thing that people notice about you. How´s yours?
2. For every minute of mindless scrolling, apply one minute of walking.
Create actions you automatically do in response to the cue to form the habit itself. Plus, walking is a great way to start dealing with lower back pain.
3. Actually apply the Free Mobility plan you downloaded from me. If you lost it, here it is again. Doing it first thing in the morning will give you a serotonin boost, and is better than any espresso to wake you up.
4. back on the coffee.
Or limit it to max 2 cups a day. The dehydrating effects of caffeine, also impact flexibility and your ease of movement. Water on the other hand, improves it.
5. Stretch at your desk
Even if you don't work from home, it and are afraid you'll look weird. I'd rather look weird now than feel like a brick after. I've made a mini guide with Top 5 stretches for your neck, shoulders & upper back you can do at your desk.
⬇️Reply to this email with a word `DESK´ and I´ll send the free PDF over.⬇️
6. Add sneaky moves.
Park the car further away. Take standing calls. Use the stairs. The best kind of exercise is the one don´t realize you're doing.
7. Avoid snacking at your desk.
People underestimate their calorie intake by an average of 10–20%. This can be as high as 50% in people who think their metabolism is broken. Nuts are a healthy snack, but they are also a daily (350 kcal for a handful) reason why your weight is not dropping.
8. Get yourself a fitness tracker.
The buzz will congratulate you on your progress or a milestone you achieved, reinforcing positive behavior. What gets measured, gets managed.
9. Breathe through your nose, not your mouth
Mouth breathing activates your ´fight or flight` mode and decreases oxygen absorption. Switching to nasal breathing makes you breathe slower, improves your lung capacity and sleep quality. It all starts with awareness.
10. Get yourself a resistance band at the office.
Just to mobilize the shoulders between tasks & to strengthen the upper back to avoid a slumped posture. Most back & shoulder issues occur because those muscles are weak.
1% better in every aspect has an overall compound effect. Don´t neglect it.
Most of your problems could be solved if you just acted upon them.
What you don´t realize is the inaction itself is causing you more stress than sticking to a plan.
If you are determined to make a change in how you move, feel, and look like, here I am.

That´s it for today, thanks for making it to the end :)
Cheers from Portugal,
Kat ✌️