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Why do some people win and others don't

5 mindset frameworks that will make or break your Mobilty game

Hey supple leopard (to be šŸ…),

The other day I was listening to Hormoz i's podcast on why some people win and others don't. I realized I come across this daily through comments, DMs, and calls.

Newsflash! The secret to success often lies in your mindset.

How you approach your goals can make all the difference.

Whether you're aiming for better mobility, weight loss, or business success, the right mindset can elevate you to new heights.

Or depress you further.

Here are 5 common mindsets that decide if youĀ“ll make it or break it.

IĀ“ll give examples I hear daily from you.

1. POSITIVE-ACTIVE: "No one has proven it cannot be done."

Example: You want to master a challenging yoga pose. Despite its difficulty, you trust that with practice and persistence, you can achieve it because no one has proven otherwise.

In short, winners believe in endless possibilities. They see challenges as opportunities because they know physical and mental barriers can be overcome.

A great mindset, whenever I hear that on the initial call, I know that transformation is going to be golden.

2. POSITIVE-PASSIVE: "(S)he did it, so I can do it too."

Seeing someone else succeed convinces you that you can replicate their efforts and achieve the same results.

Example: Your friend loses weight through an online weight loss coaching program. You decide to follow the same program, confident it will work for you too.

This one is also good, you're positive about the outcomes and your own power.

3. NEUTRAL-PASSIVE: "Well, it worked for other people. Letā€™s see if it works for me."

ā€œKat, how do I know that your program is going to work for me?ā€

Is it THE PROGRAM thatā€™s going to work, or is it YOU?

How you ask questions says a lot about how you see your role in achieving a goal.

As long as you take a passive (or random) approach, your results are going to be random too.

Once you realize that just the program itself wonā€™t make you fitter or more mobile, but its application will, you won.

Ownership + execution is a magic combo.

4. NEGATIVE-PASSIVE: "It might have worked for others, but it probably wonā€™t work for me."

A.k.a. - youĀ“re a special snowflake. You see your gym buddy thriving with his newfound mobility, but you think of all the reasons why you CANĀ“T do it.

You list all the advantages someone else has (and you donĀ“t) that leave you in a victim mindset.

You're trying to find all the previous experiences that proved you CANNOT do it.

Honestly, how does this mindset serve you in anything?

5.NEGATIVE-ACTIVE: "I can prove it canā€™t work for me."

This mindset is actively resistant.

You are determined to prove that no matter the effort, you will fail, often due to past disappointments or negative beliefs.

Example: You start a mobility training program to show that your "bad luck" or unique situation makes success impossible for you.

Maybe you are not like this in every aspect of life, maybe in just a particular area.

I can understand the disappointment from the previous experiences, but not additional effort for negativity.

Energy and time are limited resources, use them wisely.

In Croatia we say: Admit youĀ“re guilty, and half is already forgiven.

I say: Admit it + Act upon it, itĀ“s forgiven and solved

I'll be honest.. I can fall into Nr.4 category sometimes.

Not in terms of fitness, but other areas of life.

I guess youĀ“re not going to admit which of the 5 mindsets you fall into. If you do, just reply to this e-mail :)

Step Nr. 1 achieved!

I keep getting the same questions, so each week IĀ“ll answer one for you:

WhatĀ“s your price, what if I cannot afford your coaching?

Firstly, be honest to yourself (if not to me) is it really the money that is the issue.

Or youĀ“re just finding another excuse not to start.

If money is the issue, that means that you:

are avoiding eating out to save cash

you cancelled all the subscriptions that are not essential

you refrain from using your car because fuel prices are through the roof

you decided that $150/hr PT or physiotherapy is a better option

Sure, no problem, IĀ“m not here to leave you broke.

But if money is the only factor that decides if youĀ“re going to transform with me, then I will not try to convince you in the opposite.

I love working with motivated people, it makes my work enjoyable and energy high.

The reason I donĀ“t share prices, is because everyone has a different goal.

Some need 1:1 do-it-with-you approach.

Some are comfortable just by following a plan.

Some need help with mobility, some with fat loss. Some with both.

My App subscription starts at $15 per month, coaching from 350 EUR per month.

If you already benefited from the free stuff I posted, imagine what a structured program would do.

If you just commit to 60 days from now..


ThatĀ“s it for today, thanks for making it to the end :)

Cheers from Portugal,

Kat āœŒļø

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