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Why only stretching will not solve your problems & What´s next

´Stretches for low back pain´ is one of the most searched terms on Google

While stretching is crucial to make your body limber, that alone will not solve your lack of mobility.

Neither will foam rolling.

Nor massages.

Cupping. Younameit.

What most folks miss out on is the strengthening part for ´future-proofing` your joints.

You want to provide a support system (aka muscles), so when you're 80 your bones don't ´just sit´ on each other.

Releasing the tension with massages will surely give you some pain relief.

But as soon as you start doing the activity that caused the pain, the problem will come back.

You need a long-term solution.

Not only a quick-fix.

⬇️Click to see the 4 glute activations to deal with low back pain ⬇️

One of the scenarios from a recent client..

What´s the issue? lower back pain

When does it occur? long sitting in the car & when squatting

How can we solve it?

Assess the hip mobility, pelvic alignment, QL flexibility, core strength

Work targeted on the above

Apply regularly & Give time

What most people do:

Search for ´stretches for back pain´

´Cool, I´ll save that in my Insta folder´

Saved, never applied, pain still there

You´re not lacking resources.

Only application power.

I don´t know about you, but if I´m already putting mental effort into getting somewhere, I might as well get the results.

I´ll tell you my plan how I can potentially help you too

In the last year, I helped individually 44 of you who reached out specifically to manage lower back pain.

We relieved 88 tight hips, built 44 stronger bums & more pliable spines.

I understand what gets results.

And I have a winner exercise that works in 99% cases (previous injuries excluded).

If you tried it, you´ll know.

If not, do it now.

The e-mail I got from a recent client:

That´s why I am creating a course with the most effective & proven methods to answer the most common questions I get:

Will low back pain go away on its own

What to do for tight hips

Can tight hips cause sciatica

How much mobility should I do

Which stretching method is most effective & many more

´Back Sore No More´ will specifically focus on sedentary folks, who want to stop feeling 10 years older due to lack of mobility, with applicable daily (office-friendly) tips so you can finally take that hiking trip and stand up gracefully.

Thanks for making it to the end :)


Cheers from Portugal,

Kat ✌️

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